Wednesday 23 November 2011

Tests week!

My very first experience..4 tests in 3days! Oh no :( it was a challenge for me ever.. Have to manage my times properly n cut off all the entertainment! Although something happened and cause me no really in mood to study..anyway,hopes it will be solved quickly.. And most of the assigbment due date is on next week! Presentation! Final! How can it be? :( time flies~ think of the first time i wrote this blog,it was 2months ago and now we are going to finish semester2 soon..anyway,this semester left me alot of memories compared to last semester! Hopes the 3rd semester will be bettwe than this semester,good luck on fibal~all my friend :)

Saturday 5 November 2011


3 subjects had been distributed last week,quite satisfied with the scores.Although the results are out of my expectation,but I think I still have to improve more on my English writing skill,feels like want to laugh whenever I look back the sentences I wrote on the answer sheet,hahahaha! Anyway,left English paper has not been distributed back,but not really confident with the result,since my English test results are not really well from primary school. Anyway,I still hopes Ms.Masheera be more kind on me and give me higher score lah~hahaha!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

ENL individual assignment 1

Issues arise from baby dumping
    Baby dumping is a severe social issue that raising year by year, this problem has been pays close attention by government. Although many actions had been initiated and implement by government, but baby dumping is still happening and the rate is increasing. The main cause of baby dumping is pre-marital sex, and parent doesn’t want to take the responsible on the baby when the girl gets pregnant. Since artificial abortion was banned and illegal in Muslim majority country-Malaysia, so baby dumping is the only way they solve this problem. Those teenagers lack of education about sexual. So, sex education should exist in the school syllabus in order to transmit more information and knowledge related to sex.

Cause of baby dumping

    I believe that everyone knows, the only cause of baby dumping is the parent not willing to take responsible on their baby, and they feel shame on their sexual behavior of premarital sex, so they throw their baby to garbage and dustbin. The reason that the parent not willing to marry n take respond on it is, both girl and boy family have strongly reject and feel shame on it and those teenagers have no money capable to take care a new born baby. Most of the innocent babies were been found in death in garbage; toilet, dustbin and any others conceal places. It is cruel and unfair to those innocent children. Their child was been considered as a problem to parent rather than a gift from god that should me treasured.

Impact to society
    In the Muslim majority based country, abortion is prohibited, and many girls share their experiences are left stranded and forced to abandon their child. Society tendency to blame teenage pregnancy on women rather than men, it also be a contributing factor to the raising cases of abandoned babies. Those women have to make decision alone because of their selfish boyfriend not willing to get marriage with them and take responsible on the baby. This factor also cause the increasing rate of single mother and more women’s shelter increasing to help recover of ladies psychological critical damaged. Not only the number of single mothers increasing, but the number of orphan increasing as well. This has affect the society critically.

Impact to nation

    Malaysia government is trying hard to grappling with the raising cases of baby dumping. The cabinet has asked the police to list baby dumping as a attempted murder or murder cases. Based on the statistic that made by Bukit Aman Police Headquarters, there are total of 600 babies were found dumped between year 2000 to 2006. The number of abandoned babies was increase rapidly as much as 65 cases at year 2000 to 83 cases in the year 2006. This scenario had been more severe from day by day even though there are a lot about this in the mass media. This impact has created a bad image to our nation.